Defective Braking Systems

brakesThe braking system on a motor vehicle is critical. Functioning brakes can mean the difference between a safe traffic stop and serious traffic collision. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, brake-related accounted for roughly 22 percent of car crashes that were caused by vehicle-related problems.

Brakes may fail due to neglect and poor vehicle maintenance. Whether it’s the brake pads, rotors, lines, or calipers, every vehicle’s braking system requires routine maintenance and, sometimes, mechanical work to ensure proper function. In other cases, however, brake failure may be caused by a manufacturing, design, or installation defect that may be out of the vehicle owner’s control.

When it comes to accidents involving defective braking systems, those affected may have a product liability claim. If you have suffered injuries in a car accident involving defective brakes, contact William Mattar, P.C. Our experienced accident attorneys can fight to get you the compensation you need to make a recovery. Deadlines for claims can be time sensitive, so don’t wait to get started. Call (844) 444-4444 today.

Types of Braking System Defects

Brake systems are complicated and potential defects can affect many different components. A defect may arise in the design, manufacturing, or installation of a braking system and its parts. Some examples of potential braking system defects include:

  • Leaking brake lines;
  • Vacuum pump malfunction;
  • Overheating brakes;
  • Defective anti-locks;
  • Improper installation of brake rotors or pads;
  • Issues with hydraulic lines;
  • Cracks in calibers or brake drums

If you were involved in a car crash, and your brakes were defective, you may have a product liability claim. Contact a personal injury lawyer today to see if you have a case for compensation.

Why Brake Failure is so Dangerous

Fully functional brakes are essential for safe driving. When brakes fail it can be dangerous for the occupants of the vehicle and all others on the road, including other vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians.

The ability to control your vehicle’s speed, or make a quick stop if necessary, is vital to safe driving. Faulty brakes can prevent a motorist from stopping completely, such as at intersections or when traveling behind other vehicles on the highway. If brakes fail, they can also cause a driver to hit an obstacle (like a median) or another vehicle.

Defective Brake Recalls

When defective brakes malfunction, automakers may issue a recall notice to consumers. One instance occurred in 2018 when Mitsubishi recalled over 170,000 vehicles with flawed brake components. These brakes contain a defect that leaves the system prone to water infiltration and corrosion damage. The system’s brake pad adjusters are also defective, which puts vehicle occupants at serious risk by limiting the use of the brakes.

In 2019, Toyota recalled 7,000 vehicles that included brakes with faulty booster pumps.

Motorists should always be on the lookout for recall notice from a manufacturer. They can also visit the NHTSA website to see if their car is under recall.

Liability in a Brake Defect Case

When brakes malfunction, resulting in a motor vehicle collision, there’s reason to assume a party may be responsible for the defect. A manufacturer, such as the automaker or brakes manufacturer, may be liable depending on the defect. Other potential at-fault parties can include a car dealership , or auto mechanic.

If defective brakes caused your car crash, you may be entitled to damages for your injuries. Reach out to an experienced attorney at William Mattar P.C. today so we can start investigating your case.

Contact an Experienced Injury Attorney

If you’ve been injured as a result of defective auto part accident, contact William Mattar, P.C. today. Our attorneys can represent innocent victims who have been injured by malfunctioning auto parts. We can help you pursue compensation for your injuries and get your life back on track. Schedule a free initial consultation by completing our online form, or call us at (844) 444-4444.

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We are proud to share that William Mattar, P.C. has been recognized multiple times as one of the Best Companies to Work for in New York State. As a firm focused on helping people, we understand that this starts with how we treat each other. We’re happy to be recognized for creating such a notably positive work environment!

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