Buffalo Uber and Lyft Rideshare Accident Lawyers

Buffalo rideshare attorneyRidesharing services provided by companies such as Uber and Lyft have changed transportation in Buffalo. Hailing a ride is now as easy as opening a smartphone app. Rather than take a taxi or public transportation, many people choose to use these services due to their accessibility.

While there are pluses to ridesharing services, accidents involving an Uber or Lyft vehicle can be complex. In these cases, multiple parties and insurance carriers may be involved, including the ridesharing company itself. Injury victims can find themselves in a stressful position where they don’t know where to turn for compensation.

If you’ve been injured in an Uber or Lyft accident in Buffalo, contact William Mattar law offices today. Our rideshare accident lawyers have the knowledge to tackle accident cases involving complicated rideshare laws. We will fight for you to get the compensation you need to cover injury-related expenses. Call our offices at (844) 444-4444 to schedule a free initial consultation.

Uber and Lyft Accidents in Buffalo

There are often very few requirements for becoming a rideshare driver. For instance, to drive with Uber, you must meet the minimum age to drive in your city, have one year of driving experience (3 years if you are under 23 years old),a valid driver’s license, and have an eligible four-door vehicle. With these basic criteria satisfied, just about anyone can start driving for Uber.

Uber and Lyft accidents sometimes happen due to the negligence of a rideshare driver or another motorist on the roadway. Rideshare drivers and passengers, occupants of other vehicles, and pedestrians involved in these collisions can suffer severe or even life-altering injuries.

Victims of rideshare accidents can sustain a range of serious injuries, including traumatic brain injuries, neck injuries, spinal cord damage, fractures, broken bones, burns, lacerations, and internal organ damage. These injuries can make it difficult for a person to go about their everyday life following the accident.

Who is At Fault for an Uber or Lyft Accident in Buffalo? 

Every rideshare accident is different. Depending on the details of the crash, the rideshare driver and/or company, another driver, or a negligent pedestrian or bicyclist may be liable. If a Lyft driver, for example, ran a stop sign and collided with another vehicle, that Lyft driver is likely at fault for the accident.

Liability is vital in an Uber or Lyft accident case because it will determine which party is responsible for damages. Rideshare companies generally have insurance policies that provide coverage for an accident involving one of their drivers under certain circumstances. If a rideshare driver is liable for your accident, you will likely be covered under the rideshare company’s insurance policy.

The amount of available coverage for a rideshare collision will vary depending on the company’s policy and the accident facts. Uber’s insurance coverage, as an example, insures drivers based on their “status” at the time of the accident. If an Uber driver is involved in an accident when they are awaiting a ride request, en route to pick up riders, or on a trip, he or she will receive some amount of company coverage. But if they are not logged into the rideshare app, they will need to rely on their personal auto insurance to cover any damages. Insurance coverage can get complicated after a rideshare accident, and a rideshare accident attorney can help you examine the available insurance coverage.

Compensation for a Buffalo Rideshare Accident

There may be multiple insurance carriers involved in a rideshare accident case. When more than one insurance carrier is involved, things can get complicated because you will have to determine which insurance company pays first. An experienced rideshare accident attorney can help you examine the available insurance coverages and make sense of the different layers of insurance coverage. If you were injured in a Buffalo Uber or Lyft crash, you might be entitled to receive compensation for:

  • Medical expenses, such as hospital bills;
  • Lost wages and/or profits;
  • Pain and suffering;
  • Emotional anguish;
  • Diminished quality of life;
  • Property damage; and
  • Wrongful death.

At William Mattar law offices, we know it is critical that accident victims get maximum compensation. Contact us today to get an experienced accident attorney on your side.

Hurt in a Buffalo Rideshare Accident? Call William Mattar.

Rideshare accidents can be stressful and overwhelming. If you’ve been injured while taking a rideshare, contact William Mattar law offices today and let us advocate on your behalf. Our Buffalo car accident attorneys can help you through filing a claim and work to achieve the best outcome possible for your case. Call our legal team at (844) 444-4444 or fill out a free initial consultation form to get started.

Our Achievements
We are proud to share that William Mattar, P.C. has been recognized multiple times as one of the Best Companies to Work for in New York State. As a firm focused on helping people, we understand that this starts with how we treat each other. We’re happy to be recognized for creating such a notably positive work environment!

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