Accident Aftershock, Now What? – 3 Part Blog

Posted: January 12, 2017

Part 1- Get Out Of Harm’s Way

The moments immediately following a motor vehicle collision can be chaotic and hectic.  The first priority is obviously your health and well being.  If you are seriously injured, contact emergency personnel, or arrange for another motorist or a bystander to contact emergency personnel.  If you think you endured a neck or spine injury, try to minimize movement and stabilize the area until emergency personnel arrive.

Most collisions occur on busy roads.  As such, it is important that you are aware of your surroundings following a collision and exercise caution. For instance, you must always remove yourself from immediate harm by, for example, moving to the road shoulder or, perhaps behind a guardrail if possible to do so safely.  It is almost always a good idea to activate your hazard lights as well.

For more tips and information, contact your Buffalo car injury attorneys.

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